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What the Coffee-Mate TV commercial - Best Friend in the Morning is about.

Coffee is a staple of many people's morning routines, and adding a splash of Coffee-Mate creamer can make that daily ritual even better. The makers of Coffee-Mate understand this, and that's why they created their heartwarming and relatable "Best Friend in the Morning" TV spot.

The ad begins with a woman waking up early in the morning and heading to the kitchen to make herself some coffee. As she pours the dark liquid into her mug, she adds a generous pour of Coffee-Mate creamer. Suddenly, her cat jumps up onto the counter, meowing and rubbing against her leg. The woman smiles and dips her finger into the Coffee-Mate, letting the cat lick it off.

Then, we see the woman continuing her bustling morning routine, setting out breakfast for her family, packing lunches and generally taking care of life's little chores. Throughout it all, her faithful companion tags along, licking at the Coffee-Mate residue on her fingers and generally keeping her company.

The message of the ad is clear: Coffee-Mate is more than just a creamer. It's a friend and companion, a source of comfort and joy in the early morning hours. With its creamy texture and delicious flavors, it elevates the morning coffee experience and makes the start of a new day that much more enjoyable.

Whether you have a furry companion or prefer to enjoy your coffee solo, Coffee-Mate is the perfect addition to your morning routine. And with its wide variety of flavors and options, there's sure to be a Best Friend in the Morning for everyone.

Coffee-Mate TV commercial - Best Friend in the Morning produced for Coffee-Mate was first shown on television on August 21, 2022.


Watch Coffee-Mate TV Commercial, 'Best Friend in the Morning'

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Advertisers of the Coffee-Mate TV Spot, 'Best Friend in the Morning'

Coffee-Mate TV commercial - Best Friend in the Morning

Coffee-Mate is a well-known and beloved brand that offers a range of coffee creamers and related products. For decades, Coffee-Mate has been enhancing the coffee-drinking experience by providing a del...


Agenices of the Coffee-Mate TV Spot, 'Best Friend in the Morning'

Coffee-Mate TV commercial - Best Friend in the Morning

360i is a digital marketing agency that specializes in creating innovative solutions to help brands connect with their target audience. Founded in 1998, the company has grown to become one of the most...

Coffee-Mate TV commercial - Best Friend in the Morning

GroupM is a global media investment group that specializes in advertising and marketing services. The company is a subsidiary of WPP, a leading advertising and communications group based in London, En...

Coffee-Mate TV commercial - Best Friend in the Morning
McCann Worldgroup

McCann Worldgroup is a global advertising and marketing communications company headquartered in New York City. The company was founded in 1930 by Marion Harper Jr. and has since grown to become one of...


Products Advertised

Coffee-Mate French Vanilla
Coffee-Mate Hazelnut
Coffee-Mate Sugar Free French Vanilla
Coffee-Mate The Original
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