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What is Freshpet Select Small Dog Chicken & Turkey Recipe With Cranberries & Spinach?

Freshpet Select Small Dog Chicken & Turkey Recipe With Cranberries & Spinach is a specially formulated dog food designed to meet the nutritional needs of small dogs. This recipe is made with high-quality ingredients like natural chicken, turkey, cranberries, and spinach, providing a wholesome and balanced meal for your furry friend.

High-Quality IngredientsThe Freshpet Select Small Dog Chicken & Turkey Recipe features natural chicken and turkey , which are excellent sources of protein. Protein is essential for dogs as it helps support their muscle development and overall health. By using real meat as the main ingredient, Freshpet ensures that your small dog gets the high-quality protein they need.

In addition to chicken and turkey, this recipe also includes cranberries and spinach. Cranberries are known for their antioxidant properties and can help support a healthy immune system. Spinach is a nutrient-rich vegetable that provides essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin K, vitamin A, and iron.

Grain-Free and Fillers-FreeFreshpet Select Small Dog Chicken & Turkey Recipe is free from grains , wheat, gluten, and fillers. This makes it an excellent choice for dogs with dietary sensitivities or allergies. By omitting these common allergens and fillers, Freshpet ensures that the focus is on providing a nutritious and digestible meal for your small dog.

Tailored for Small DogsThis recipe is specifically formulated to meet the unique needs of small dogs. The morsels in the Freshpet Select Small Dog Chicken & Turkey Recipe are smaller in size , making them easier for small dogs to chew and digest. This is especially important for small breeds, as they may have smaller jaws and teeth.

Fresh and RefrigeratedOne of the unique aspects of Freshpet Select dog foods is that they are fresh and refrigerated. This means they are not heavily processed or filled with artificial preservatives. Freshpet uses a gentle cooking process to maintain the nutritional integrity of the ingredients.

Freshpet Select Small Dog Chicken & Turkey Recipe with Cranberries & Spinach provides a convenient and nutritious option for small dog owners who want to feed their pets high-quality ingredients. Each batch is carefully crafted to ensure it meets the nutritional needs of small dogs , promoting overall health and well-being.

TV spots

TV commercials Freshpet Select Small Dog Chicken & Turkey Recipe With Cranberries & Spinach

Freshpet TV Spot, 'In Disguise'

Advertisers of commercials featuring Freshpet Select Small Dog Chicken & Turkey Recipe With Cranberries & Spinach

Freshpet Select Small Dog Chicken & Turkey Recipe With Cranberries & Spinach commercials

Freshpet is a pet food company that provides high-quality natural pet food made from fresh ingredients. The company was founded in 2006 and has since then been helping pet owners to give their furry c...


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Freshpet Select Small Dog Chicken & Turkey Recipe With Cranberries & Spinach commercials
Terri & Sandy
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