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What the Hillsdale College TV commercial - Free Online Constitution Course is about.

Hillsdale College TV Spot, 'Free Online Constitution Course' is a captivating advertisement that showcases the College's commitment to cultivating a well-informed citizenry. The ad starts with a bold declaration that America is an exceptional country. The narrator then highlights that for over 175 years, Hillsdale College has remained dedicated to promoting liberty and instilling a deep understanding of the Constitution to its students.

The ad goes on to feature snippets of Hillsdale professors passionately discussing the Constitution. They make it clear that the Constitution is not just a historical document, but a living and breathing representation of the freedom and values that make America special.

The highlight of the ad is the announcement of the Free Online Constitution Course, which is a ten-part series designed to further educate Americans about their birthright of freedom. The course is taught by Hillsdale professors and covers every aspect of the Constitution, from the founding principles to the Bill of Rights, and from the separation of powers to the role of the judiciary.

The advertisement concludes with a call to action, urging viewers to sign up for the Free Online Constitution Course and to become champions of freedom. The message is powerful and compelling, reminding Americans of the importance of knowing their history and the principles upon which America was founded.

Overall, Hillsdale College TV Spot, 'Free Online Constitution Course' is an impactful advertisement that succeeds in its goal of promoting American exceptionalism and inspiring viewers to become informed, responsible citizens.

Hillsdale College TV commercial - Free Online Constitution Course produced for Hillsdale College was first shown on television on April 13, 2015.

Frequently Asked Questions about hillsdale college tv spot, 'free online constitution course'

Yes. These online courses are provided free of charge through the generous donations of our friends.

You can enroll for FREE in Hillsdale College's popular online course “American Heritage: From Colonial Settlement to the Current Day,” and pursue an education in the ideas, arguments and people that have shaped America's remarkable history.

Why are these courses free? Hillsdale College produces free online courses as part of its mission - written in 1844 - to provide “sound learning” of the kind needed to preserve “the inestimable blessings of civil and religious liberty.”

How much does each course cost? The cost for each 3-credit course will be $400 for Fall 2023, plus the cost of books.

Though established by Freewill Baptists, Hillsdale has been officially non-denominational since its inception. It was the first American college to prohibit in its charter any discrimination based on race, religion, or sex, and became an early force for the abolition of slavery.

Hillsdale College is a private, conservative, Christian liberal arts college in Hillsdale, Michigan. It was founded in 1844 by members of the Free Will Baptists. Hillsdale's required core curriculum includes courses on the Great Books, the U.S. Constitution, biology, chemistry, and physics.

The Hillsdale 1776 Curriculum is a complete collection of lesson plans for teaching American history, civics, and government to K-12 students.

Along with offering students an education that helps them pursue their dreams, Hillsdale College's mission helps shape each young adult's resiliency and individuality in the face of an ever-conformist world.

Hillsdale College is a private, conservative, Christian liberal arts college in Hillsdale, Michigan. It was founded in 1844 by members of the Free Will Baptists. Hillsdale's required core curriculum includes courses on the Great Books, the U.S. Constitution, biology, chemistry, and physics.

Educators and liberal-leaning parents object to Hillsdale's curriculum, saying it inserts a right-wing worldview into K-12 schools. The American Historical Association has accused the 1776 Curriculum of downplaying racism, the Great Migration and the power of the Ku Klux Klan.

Though established by Freewill Baptists, Hillsdale has been officially non-denominational since its inception.

The American Historical Association has accused the 1776 Curriculum of downplaying racism, the Great Migration and the power of the Ku Klux Klan. (Hillsdale says its curriculum “comprehensively” covers “points of shame” in America's history, mentioning slavery more than 3,300 times.)


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Hillsdale College TV commercial - Free Online Constitution Course
Hillsdale College

Hillsdale College is a private liberal arts college located in Hillsdale, Michigan, United States. It was founded in 1844 and has a rich history of promoting a classical liberal arts curriculum and tr...

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