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What is Purina Beneful Superfood Blend Wet Dog Food With Beef & Salmon?

Purina Beneful Superfood Blend Wet Dog Food With Beef & Salmon is a delicious and nutritious meal that your furry friend will love. This wet dog food is made with real beef and salmon, which are excellent sources of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and other essential nutrients that are critical for your dog's overall health and well-being.

The superfood blend in this recipe consists of colorful and nutritious ingredients like sweet potatoes, spinach, and carrots, which add to the flavor and provide plenty of vitamins and minerals, making it a well-balanced meal for your pet.

Purina Beneful Superfood Blend Wet Dog Food features a rich and savory gravy that will have your dog licking their bowl clean, and it is easy to serve. Simply open the can and pour it over your dog's kibble, or serve it alone as a complete meal.

This dog food is produced by Purina, a reputable pet food brand that is known for its commitment to producing high-quality, nutritious pet food. Purina products are made with care and attention to detail, and this wet food is no exception.

In conclusion, if you want to spoil your furry friend with a delicious and nutritious meal, Purina Beneful Superfood Blend Wet Dog Food With Beef & Salmon is an excellent choice. With real beef and salmon, a variety of superfoods, and a rich, savory gravy, it is sure to satisfy your dog's taste buds and support their overall health.

Frequently Asked Questions about purina beneful superfood blend wet dog food with beef & salmon

With a healthy variety of high-quality ingredients, Purina Beneful Originals With Natural Salmon dry dog food delivers big flavor and 100% complete and balanced nutrition for adult dogs in every bowlful. No artificial flavors, same great taste.

We sourced reviews from several pet food retailers and other verified sources and found reviews for Beneful wet dog food to be mostly positive. At the time of writing, Beneful wet dog food has a 4.2-star average on Chewy and a 4-star rating on Consumer Affairs.

Formulated for small dogs, our infused pate with real chicken and with visible accents of carrots and spinach is designed to support a healthy immune system. Your dog will also enjoy the high-quality ingredients with no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives.

A consumer class-action lawsuit filed in February 2015 claimed that Beneful contained harmful substances that sickened or killed 1,400 dogs. Nestlé Purina responded that the lawsuit was “baseless” and that Beneful remains a “high-quality, nutritious food.”

If your pooch eats too much salmon, there is a chance of digestive upset. Serving foods in moderation is key, as we want to avoid any chance of this! If you think that your pooch is unwell, check with your vet ASAP.

Our top picks

  • Best for small-breed puppies: Hill's Science Diet Puppy.
  • Best for adult small breeds: Royal Canin Small Breed Adult Dry Dog Food.
  • Best for large-breed puppies: Wellness Complete Large Breed Puppy.
  • Best for adult large breeds: Merrick Healthy Grains Large Breed.
  • Best for weight management: Purina ONE + Plus.

The best wet dog foods are nutritionally complete and balanced to support the health of adult dogs or the growth of puppies. Purina wet dog food brands, including our wet puppy foods, provide complete, quality nutrition along with enticing tastes and textures.

Beneful® Wet Dog Food Feeding Tips Give your dog one 3 oz can per 3 - 3½ pounds of body weight daily, divided into two or more meals. Adjust this amount as needed to help maintain your dog's ideal body condition.

Unopened packages of Beneful wet dog food are shelf-stable but must be refrigerated after opening. Where does Beneful source its ingredients?

Purina Dog Chow Natural Dog Food receives the Advisor's second-highest tier rating of 4 stars.

The main ingredient in Beneful is wholegrain cereals, a mixture of wheat and/or corn. Both of these grains have little nutritional value, with wheat being the top cause of allergies in dogs. So why would they be used as the primary ingredient? The answer is simple – it's cheap.

Purina discovered through its own testing that the affected dog foods did not contain the recommended level of vitamins and minerals and voluntarily recalled the product.

Health Risks of Salmon to Dogs It may contain bacteria and parasites that can cause salmon poisoning disease (a.k.a. fish disease). Common symptoms of salmon poisoning include lack of appetite, vomiting, fever and diarrhea, weakness, and swollen lymph nodes.

TV spots

TV commercials Purina Beneful Superfood Blend Wet Dog Food With Beef & Salmon

Purina Beneful Simple Goodness TV Spot, 'Carne real'
Purina Beneful Simple Goodness TV Spot, 'Real Meat'
Purina Beneful Superfood Blend TV Spot, 'Nutrient-Rich: More Recipes'
Purina Beneful Superfood Blend TV Spot, 'Nutrient-Rich'
Purina Beneful Superfood Blend TV Spot, 'Súper saludable: Grain Free'
Purina Beneful Superfood Blend TV Spot, 'Súper saludable'

Actors who starred in Purina Beneful Superfood Blend Wet Dog Food With Beef & Salmon commercials

Brian King photo
Robyn Moler photo

Advertisers of commercials featuring Purina Beneful Superfood Blend Wet Dog Food With Beef & Salmon

Purina Beneful Superfood Blend Wet Dog Food With Beef & Salmon commercials
Purina Beneful

Purina Beneful is a pet food brand that is dedicated to providing dogs with high-quality, nutritious food. The company was founded in 2001 and has since become a household name in the pet food industr...


Agencies worked with Purina Beneful Superfood Blend Wet Dog Food With Beef & Salmon

Purina Beneful Superfood Blend Wet Dog Food With Beef & Salmon commercials
Collaborated with Purina Beneful Superfood Blend Wet Dog Food With Beef & Salmon

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