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What is Purina Beneful Originals With Farm-Raised Beef Dry Dog Food?

Purina Beneful Originals with Farm-Raised Beef Dry Dog Food is a high-quality dog food that is specially formulated to meet the nutritional needs of dogs. This delicious blend of crunchy kibble and tender, meaty bits is made with real farm-raised beef, providing your furry friend with the protein and nutrients they need to stay healthy and happy.

One of the things that sets Purina Beneful Originals apart from other dog foods is the fact that it is made with real ingredients that you can see and recognize. The farm-raised beef is the number one ingredient in this dog food, meaning that it is packed with high-quality protein that will help your dog build strong muscles and maintain a healthy weight.

In addition to the beef, Purina Beneful Originals also contains a variety of other healthy ingredients that your dog will love. There are whole grains and vegetables, which provide a range of essential vitamins and minerals that will help your dog stay healthy and active. There is also no added sugar in this dog food, which is a plus for those dogs that are prone to weight gain or have underlying health issues that can be exacerbated by a high-sugar diet.

Overall, Purina Beneful Originals with Farm-Raised Beef Dry Dog Food is an excellent choice for dog owners who want to provide their pets with the best possible nutrition. Whether you have a puppy or a senior dog, this dog food is sure to be a hit and is a great way to keep your furry friend healthy, happy, and satisfied.

Frequently Asked Questions about purina beneful originals with farm-raised beef dry dog food

We take our #1 ingredient, real farm-raised beef, and blend it to perfection with energy-fueling whole grains and accents of spinach, peas and carrots. It's 100% nutrition with a taste your adult dog is going to love.

Beneful dog food is made and produced in U.S.A. facilities, and you can rest assured that our dog food is subjected to rigorous quality assurance standards. The safety of our products is a top priority.

Our Rating of Beneful Dog Food Purina Beneful includes both grain-inclusive and grain-free dry dog foods using a moderate amount of named meat and by-product meals as its primary source of animal protein, thus receiving 3.5 stars. Recommended.

Nutrition Facts Nutrients: Crude Protein min 23.0 %; Crude Fat min 12.0 %; Crude Fiber max 4.0 %; Moisture max 12.0 %; Linoleic Acid min 1.2 %; Calcium (Ca) min 1.0 %; Selenium (Se) min 0.35 mg/kg; Vitamin A min 10000 IU/kg; Vitamin E min 100 IU/kg.

Beneful is a brand of dog food products by Nestlé Purina PetCare global that includes wet dog food, dry dog food and dog treats.

Purina Beneful Originals premium dog food is rich in antioxidants for dogs to help support a healthy immune system for your canine companion, and it contains 23 essential vitamins and minerals to help support their overall health. Natural food for adult dogs with added vitamins, minerals & nutrients.

the U.S. Purina brand dog food is made primarily in the U.S. As a global pet care leader, Nestlé Purina PetCare manufactures products throughout the world. Regardless of where our products are produced, you can be assured that they are subjected to our rigorous quality assurance standards.

Nestlé Purina PetCare global Beneful is a brand of dog food products by Nestlé Purina PetCare global that includes wet dog food, dry dog food and dog treats.

Overall, Purina dog food is a good option for budget-conscious pet owners who are looking for a brand with a wide variety of formulas. However, it is important to be aware of the potential risks of artificial ingredients and to read reviews from other pet owners before making a decision.

At Purina, we own and operate all of our own U.S. factories and facilities, which is where we manufacture all of our dog foods made in the U.S.A. That way we can monitor the quality of your dog's food and track ingredients from when they arrive to when they're formulated into your dog's bag of food.

The main ingredient in Beneful is wholegrain cereals, a mixture of wheat and/or corn. Both of these grains have little nutritional value, with wheat being the top cause of allergies in dogs. So why would they be used as the primary ingredient? The answer is simple – it's cheap.

Does Benefiber have any side effects? Benefiber generally does not cause any serious side effects. Taking too many, however, may cause loose stools, flatulence, or abdominal cramps. Some people may be allergic to Benefiber and develop skin rash or hives on consumption.

We recommend Benefiber Original and consider it to be one of the best fiber supplements on the market, especially for consumers on a budget. It only has one single ingredient which has been proven in medical research to enhance gut health, and is free of any questionable additives.

TV spots

TV commercials Purina Beneful Originals With Farm-Raised Beef Dry Dog Food

Purina Beneful Simple Goodness TV Spot, 'Real Meat: Variety of Products'
Purina Beneful Superfood Blend TV Spot, 'Nutrient-Rich: More Recipes'
Purina Beneful TV Spot, 'Full Life'
Purina Beneful TV Spot, 'Lleno de vida'
Purina Beneful TV Spot, 'Natural Recipes'
Purina Beneful TV Spot, 'Recetas naturales'

Actors who starred in Purina Beneful Originals With Farm-Raised Beef Dry Dog Food commercials

Brian King photo
Nova Biggers photo
Stella Doyle photo

Advertisers of commercials featuring Purina Beneful Originals With Farm-Raised Beef Dry Dog Food

Purina Beneful Originals With Farm-Raised Beef Dry Dog Food commercials
Purina Beneful

Purina Beneful is a pet food brand that is dedicated to providing dogs with high-quality, nutritious food. The company was founded in 2001 and has since become a household name in the pet food industr...


Agencies worked with Purina Beneful Originals With Farm-Raised Beef Dry Dog Food

Purina Beneful Originals With Farm-Raised Beef Dry Dog Food commercials
Collaborated with Purina Beneful Originals With Farm-Raised Beef Dry Dog Food

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