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What is NSI International Inc. Splat Bugs Horrible Horsefly?

NSI International Inc. is a global marketer and manufacturer of toys and children's products with a successful track record of designing innovative and fun toys for kids of all ages. One of their most popular product lines is the Splat Bugs series.

One of the most popular toys in the Splat Bugs line is the Horrible Horsefly. This fun and interactive toy gives children the opportunity to engage in imaginative play while also learning important life lessons such as patience and perseverance. The Horrible Horsefly is designed with a realistic look and feel that makes it even more engaging for children to play with. It has two different modes that allow kids to play with it in different ways, making it both fun and educational.

The Horrible Horsefly comes with a launcher that kids can use to shoot the bug into the air. The horsefly will then fly around for a few seconds before landing back down on the ground. The goal of the game is for kids to catch the bug with a special squishy paddle that is included in the package. This requires patience and careful coordination, as the horsefly can be quite unpredictable.

NSI International Inc. is committed to designing toys that are not only fun but also safe for children to play with. The Horrible Horsefly is made with high-quality materials and has been tested to ensure that it meets all safety standards. Parents can feel confident in allowing their children to play with this toy knowing that their safety is a top priority for NSI International Inc.

Overall, the Horrible Horsefly is a fantastic toy that provides children with hours of fun and educational playtime. It is just one example of the many innovative and exciting toys that NSI International Inc. has to offer.

Frequently Asked Questions about nsi international inc. splat bugs horrible horsefly

Horseflies detest strong scents. Many repellents use citronella, cedarwood, lavender, and tea tree oils, like the GOLD LABEL CITRONELLA COMPOUND EMULSION, because of their natural repelling properties. Adding DEET into the mix, and you've got a recipe that horse flies will absolutely loathe.

Horse flies, like many other insects, are attracted to animal feces. If you have a dog, you will have to clean up your yard more frequently in the summer, or you may have a horse fly problem on your hands.

Remove. Any standing water and frequently clean troughs next use a combination of traps bait. And insecticides. First use fly relief fly traps to reduce the horse fly population.

Horse fly development sites are freshwater and saltwater marshes and streams, moist forest soils and even moist decomposing wood. Females usually deposit egg masses on wet soil or vegetation that overhangs water. Larvae are active in moist or wet organic matter and look similar to house fly maggots.

Horseflies have the following appearance:

  1. They are large, often 2/3-inch in length.
  2. They are dark in color and have striped chests and black bellies.
  3. They have large, compound eyes.

See all product from this post

  • Ultra Shield Ex Fly Spray.
  • Pyranha Wipe 'N Spray.
  • Absorbine Flys X Insecticide Spray.
  • SWAT Fly Repellant Ointment.
  • Clac deo Lotion.
  • Enviro Equine All Natural Fly Spray.
  • Learn more about Fly Predators.
  • Insect Growth Regulator.

Aside from the momentary pain they cause, horsefly bites are not generally harmful to humans. These bites are usually only a problem for horses. This is because horseflies carry equine infectious anemia, also known as swamp fever. When they bite an equine animal, they can transmit this life threatening disease.

Horse Fly. Adult flies are brownish, hairy, robust and about 2/3-inch long, superficially resembling honey bees except for having only one pair of wings. Wings of the horse bot fly have faint smoky spots on the wings. Fully-grown larvae (maggots) are ½ to 2/3 inch long and have yellow-white to pinkish thick, tough skin ...

Along with many other flying insects, horseflies are also a key food source for many other animals higher up the food chain. They help underpin other, more charismatic species such as bats and birds, while the aquatic larvae of the insects feed fish.

Mix apple cider vinegar and dish soap. Sprinkle sugar on top to further entice the flies. The dish soap will break down the flies and kill them, while the vinegar attracts them. If you don't have apple cider vinegar, try stale wine or beer, says Irenicus, as the aging scents attract flies.

While male horse flies feed on pollen and plant nectars, females aggressively feed on blood. Horse flies most often bite moving and dark objects. They are relentless and will continue to bite their host until they succeed in procuring their blood meal or are killed.

House flies are strongly suspected of transmitting at least 65 diseases to humans, including typhoid fever, dysentery, cholera, poliomyelitis, yaws, anthrax, tularemia, leprosy, and tuberculosis. Flies regurgitate and excrete wherever they come to rest and thereby mechanically transmit disease organisms.

Horse-flies and deer flies are true flies in the family Tabanidae in the insect order Diptera. The adults are often large and agile in flight. Only female horseflies bite land vertebrates, including humans, to obtain blood.

TV spots

TV commercials NSI International Inc. Splat Bugs Horrible Horsefly

Splat Bugs TV Spot, 'Guts & Goo'

Advertisers of commercials featuring NSI International Inc. Splat Bugs Horrible Horsefly

NSI International Inc. Splat Bugs Horrible Horsefly commercials
NSI International Inc.

Overview of NSI International Inc.NSI International Inc. is a toy manufacturing company based in New York City. The company was founded in 1989 by Frank Landi and currently employs over 500 people. NS...


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