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What the Freedom from Religion Foundation TV commercial - State and Church is about.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is an American organization that advocates for the separation of state and church. In one of its TV spots, the organization features Ron Reagan, son of former President Ronald Reagan, who is an atheist and a non-believer of religion.

In the TV spot, Ron Reagan speaks about the importance of keeping state and church separate from each other. He argues that the government should not be promoting any particular religion or religious beliefs, and that it should remain neutral on all matters regarding religion.

The ad also highlights a common misconception that many people have, that the United States was founded as a Christian nation. Ron Reagan argues that this is not true, and that in fact, the founding fathers wanted a secular government that would not impose any particular religious beliefs on its citizens.

The TV spot ends with Ron Reagan encouraging viewers to join the Freedom From Religion Foundation and to help support its efforts to protect the separation of state and church.

Overall, the Freedom From Religion Foundation TV Spot featuring Ron Reagan is a powerful reminder that the United States was founded on the principles of religious freedom and that this freedom should be protected and preserved for all citizens, regardless of their religious beliefs or lack thereof.

Freedom from Religion Foundation TV commercial - State and Church produced for Freedom from Religion Foundation was first shown on television on September 9, 2021.

Frequently Asked Questions about freedom from religion foundation tv spot, 'state and church' featuring ron reagan

The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) is an American nonprofit organization that advocates for atheists, agnostics, and nontheists. Formed in 1976, FFRF promotes the separation of church and state, and challenges the legitimacy of many federal and state programs that are faith-based.

FFRF works to promote nontheism and defend the constitutional separation between religion and government. With more than 35,000 members, the nonprofit FFRF works as an effective state/church watchdog and voice for freethought (atheism, agnosticism, skepticism).

In May 2014, Reagan appeared in an advertisement for broadcast on Comedy Central for the Freedom From Religion Foundation in which he declared himself "an unabashed atheist" who is "not afraid of burning in Hell."

Madison, Wisconsin The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) is an American non-profit organization based in Madison, Wisconsin with members from all 50 states.

The Freedom Foundation's efforts center on public policy research and advocacy in the areas of state budget and tax policies, labor, welfare, health care and education reform, and citizenship and governance issues.

WHAT IS RELIGIOUS FREEDOM EXACTLY? The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution says that everyone in the United States has the right to practice his or her own religion, or no religion at all.

Is atheism protected under the First Amendment? Yes. The First Amendment prohibits the government from punishing citizens for professing and exercising their religious beliefs - including a lack of religious belief.

What do we mean by the right to religious freedom? Under the U.S. Constitution, religious freedom is the right for everyone to practice his or her religion, or to choose not to practice a religion at all.

The Moral Majority maintained their support for Reagan's 1984 reelection campaign and, alongside other Christian Right organizations, influenced the Republican platform for the election, shaping the party's campaign stances on school prayer and abortion.

The West would henceforth regard no area of the world as destined to forego its liberty simply because the Soviets claimed it to be within their sphere of influence. We would fight a battle of ideas against communism, and we would give material support to those who fought to recover their nations from tyranny".


Source of Funds
Membership dues and fees$1,526,702
Legal fund donations$181,675

Freedom of speech is the most general right, as it broadly protects the individual's ability to state their ideas and opinions without fear of retaliation. Freedom of press allows anyone to print, write, televise, or stream information freely.


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Freedom from Religion Foundation TV commercial - State and Church
Freedom from Religion Foundation

Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) is a non-profit organization in the United States dedicated to advancing the rights of non-believers, defending the principle of separation between church and s...

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