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Leon Bridges commercials
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Who is Leon Bridges?

Leon Bridges is not only a talented singer but also a sought-after commercial actor. He first rose to fame with his 2015 debut album "Coming Home," which showcased his soulful, vintage-inspired sound. But since then, he's also made a name for himself as a commercial actor, appearing in several high-profile campaigns.

One of his notable advertising campaigns was for Applebee's, where he sang a rendition of the restaurant's jingle. In the commercial, Bridges put his own spin on the tune, transforming it into a soulful ballad. His performance was well-received, and the commercial went viral, with people praising Bridges' vocal ability and charm.

Bridges also starred in a 2018 ad for National Parks Foundation, where he was seen talking about his love for nature and how important it is to preserve America's natural wonders. The ad was part of the "Find Your Park" campaign, and Bridges' involvement helped raise awareness for the initiative.

Besides these two campaigns, Bridges has also appeared in commercials for brands like Cadillac, Squarespace, and Gap. His appeal lies in his unique voice, personality, and style, all of which make him a compelling figure to watch on screen.

Overall, Leon Bridges' success as a commercial actor is a testament to his versatility as an artist. Whether he's singing his heart out or showcasing his acting chops, Bridges knows how to captivate audiences and keep them engaged. It's clear that he's a talent to watch out for in the entertainment industry.

TV spots

TV commercials with Leon Bridges

Leon Bridges
Featuring: Leon Bridges
391 June 22, 2015

Title: Leon Bridges "Coming Home" TV Spot: A Timeless JourneyIntroduction:The Leon Bridges "Coming H...


Products Advertised by Leon Bridges

Columbia Records Leon Bridges

Advertisers of commercials featuring Leon Bridges

Leon Bridges commercials
Columbia Records

Columbia Records is a venerable American record label that was founded in 1888. Originally, it was a part of the CBS Corporation, but in 1989, it was acquired by Sony Music Entertainment. Columbia Rec...

Collaborated with Leon Bridges

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